LOCATION: Lephalale District, Limpopo South Africa


Privately Hunt On Our 42,000 Acre Property

Yes, we own all 42,000 acres, ensuring you the complete private African hunting experience.
The Epic Hunting Safari team of outfitters has the expertise and infrastructure to make your African hunting safari an unforgettable one! If you are interested in game hunting, it promises to be a thrilling experience.

The Epic Hunting Safari outfitters are considered as highly knowledgeable in all aspects of hunting including rifle, bow, eco and muzzle loaders and are proficient in judging size as well as tracking game. Our experienced professional hunters will guide you through the terrain, searching for your dream trophy.


Check All Offers & Packages

Our experienced Professional Hunters will guide you through the terrain, searching for your dream trophy.


$ 3,450.00

Per Hunter, 7 Hunting Days

$ 7,530.00

Per Hunter, 7 Hunting Days

Packages inclusive of
accommodation, meals
& refreshments


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Luxurious Accommodation

While you enjoy your African hunting Safari you will be accommodated at one of our two luxury lodges. Unwind with a cocktail, take a dip in the pool, enjoy the campfire while reminiscing about the day’s hunt. Be spoiled with amazing service and hospitality that the Epic Lodge teams are well known for.



Hunters from all over the world have experienced our true South African hospitality and expert guidance by our qualified team.

Ralph & Eleanor

Great experience! The staff were very professional, friendly and had great personalities. Neels had a way of putting us all at ease while Andrea and her staff catered to all our needs. The food and class with which it was served spoiled us, they set the bar high. The Professional Hunter (PH’s) Louis, Wessel, and Koos made my hunting a dream come true. My Hunt with PH Dion was very exciting. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing this hunting experience with my wife. The whole Epic Hunting Safari staff made us feel more like family than clients. The accommodations and property were breath taking. Thanks for the great memories.

Dave Brodhagen

I have travelled to three provinces with multiple outfitters and my 2017 buffalo hunt with Epic Hunting Safari was by far the best. The hospitality, food, lodging and PH service was second to none.

Alvin Streicher

To me going to Africa for a hunt was a dream! I always wanted to go to Africa, the more I heard about it and the more I saw the shows, the greater the desire. Finally here and now gone. I have been to Africa on my dream. It was the most amazing hunt. I would not change a thing. The rooms were way better than I ever imagined. The food was awesome. The PH’s where great, always putting you within range of your animal. The hunt was an once in a lifetime experience. I will return to hunt with Epic Hunting Safari.

Aaron Zavala | Hunter & Guest

We have just recently returned from a 7-day safari with Epic Hunting Safari in Limpopo, South Africa. I truly wish there was enough words to fully explain how incredible our trip was. From the moment we landed in the country, to the moment we departed, it was a trip that we will carry with us for a lifetime. It all started like any memorable trip does, adversity found us at the airport in London where we experienced an 18-hour delay. This ultimately pushed our trip a day back due to negligence from British Airways. I was in direct communication with Juvonne, during this situation where she promptly helped us get everything taken care of. It was to my amazement, when I let Juvonne know that we would be arriving to JNB at 04:00 a day later due to our flight being cancelled and rescheduled way later than expected. She quickly responded with wishing us safe travels and that Carlos (our PH) will be at the airport ready to pick us up. There was no hesitation on making things happen on their end to get us taken care of. Once picked up, Carlos was top notch with showing us hospitality. He knew we were tired from our situation in London and came up with a game plan. Upon arrival to the lodge, we decided to eat a quick meal and rest for a few hours which would allow us to regain some lost energy on the journey. After waking up from an amazing nap, we regrouped and headed out to the rifle range to make sure we could still shoot. We promptly set up at the range and in a quick few shots, we had bullets in the bullseye/ inner diamond. This marked the start of our hunting adventures with a green light. Over the course of almost a week, we hunted from sunrise to sundown in an attempt to make up for lost time due to British Airways. We hunted hard, pursuing animals deep throughout the bush resulting in a successful hunt. On this trip, our dream animals were taken with the help of top notch PH’s and trackers as well. Being born and raised in Texas, we thought we could hunt and shoot anything we’ve come across because we grew up with a gun in our hand as soon as we could walk. Let me take an opportunity to say, our success on this trip would not have been possible without the help of Carlos Periera and Shannon Van Zyl as our PH’s. The amount of knowledge these guys have is incredible, not only of the game we pursued but their abilities to teach us as we hunted together. Their incredible trackers as well gave us an advantage in the bush by being able to put us within shooting range of each animal. They could simply look at blades of grass or branches slightly pushed over and lead us exactly where we needed to be to find the game. A very special thanks to Saake, Claus, and Lucky who helped us immensely on this trip. Each of whom played a crucial role in our successes as a team. Being my first safari to South Africa, I decided to pursue a Cape Buffalo Cow as part of my list for the hunt. We set out mid-week one afternoon to finally put one in the salt. As we located a herd of Cape Buffalo, Carlos and I setup for a shot opportunity once the cow we were after cleared the herd and presented herself for a shot. Once she was separated from the herd, our shot opportunities were limited as there was other buffaloes walking in front of her. Once she was cleared in my scope, I had a window of less than 3 seconds to connect with her using the 375 H&H. I like to consider myself a decent shot especially growing up hunting all my life. However, I am still unsure if my nerves got the best of me or a combination of things occurred. Still to this day, our best guess is that when I pulled the trigger, she was gradually quartering away from me but fully turned as the shot happened. Where I had the crosshairs on her shoulder, the bullet winded up hitting her in the high neck area. I understood my heart was pounding as we setup on Black Death from the sticks, but my pull on shots are minor for the most part. The gun was out of the question, as we had checked zero on all rifles earlier in the week. Regardless, the hunt was on as we chased after the wounded cow and instantly started tracking oxygenated blood. The herd was angry with us for wounding one of its own, as we pushed through the bush we couldn’t close the distance enough to glass with binoculars and assess since they were on edge. Finally, we got a break where we could watch the herd without them spooking as the bush favored us with cover and wind coming straight into our face. We were able to see that the herd had went on the defense by placing the wounded cow in the center and circling her with buffalo facing outwards. Through years of experience, Carlos taught us that this is typical behavior of buffalo when one of its herd members become injured. During this time, I was sick to my stomach thinking I had a slim chance of actually harvesting the cow due to her bleeding becoming non-existent and the herd pushing her along. Carlos let me know that the best option would be to call it a day and back out from the herd so they could calm down over night. He let me know that if we could keep them in that area, we would be able to come back in the morning and pickup on fresh tracks to continue after the cow. One thing that will stick with me is when Carlos told me to trust in them (Epic Hunting Safari) that we would be able to come back out the following morning and find the wounded cow. He let me know that we would find the tracks again and it would lead us right to her. Needless to say, I put my full faith into him and Saake. The following morning, after breakfast we set out after the Cape Buffalo Cow with the addition of Marcel Welgemoed to our hunting group. He is the ranch manager for Epic Hunting Safari and knows the ranches like the back of his hand. As we parked the truck, we instantly began on fresh tracks picking up from the evening prior. After letting our tracker and Marcel work, we approached the area where she was nestled into the bush laying under thick vegetation. So much that nobody could see her except for Marcel, who happened to be the closest to her. She barreled out from under the vegetation and headed straight for Marcel, just narrowly missing him with her horns. He ran quickly back through the bush to grab our group who was on the other side of a thick patch that you couldn’t see through. Quickly, we came up with a plan to break into groups so we could finally pursue her and finish her once and for all. I was paired up with our tracker, Saake, as we pushed through the bush paying close attention to tracks on the ground but also having our heads on a swivel. One of the most dangerous animals on the planet is a wounded Cape Buffalo, arguably cows specifically. We soon found out as she showed her face roughly 80 yards in front of us. The moment she locked eyes on us, she started with a full-blown charge towards us. All I had time for was to lift the .375 H&H and trust my years of experience shooting. The moment that scope was level with my eye, she locked up and turned perfectly broadside. I put the crosshairs right on her shoulder and squeezed off a round striking her in the vitals. Unknowingly to us, the fight was still not over in the bush. She took off running full speed again but this time heading straight for Carlos as he was working through the bush in search for her. After the shot I made, we took off running full speed after her to try and keep shooting until she was downed. Next thing we heard as we sprinted nimbly through the bush after the cow was Carlos shooting his .375 H&H not far from us. As we turn the corner and see Carlos kneeling on the ground with the Cape Buffalo cow laid out in front of him. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was injured or badly hurt so I rushed over to check on him first. He explained to me that he had to kneel as she was on her last death charge barreling straight for him. Due to how thick the vegetation was and considering his life was on the line, Carlos decided to kneel in an attempt to make the most accurate shot he could take with the rifle. Finally, after countless hours and endless sweat we had a fully mature Cape Buffalo cow down. All together our group survived three separate charges from one of the meanest old ladies known to man. This single hunt taught me an important life lesson about trust even when I was doubting myself. Words cannot express our gratitude for the wonderful memories created on this lifetime trip of ours. The accommodations and service you receive at Epic Hunting Safari is something that cannot be replicated or replaced. From the amazing meals made fresh every day to room service that exceeded even 5-star hotels back in the states. I have never experienced the level of phenomenal hospitality and service aside from this exact outfitter. A special thanks to the wonderful ladies that took care of planning our meals during our stay as well as Gary and the entire cooking staff. We look forward to planning our next trip back already and find ourselves daydreaming regularly on all the great memories made on this trip. As always, you tried the rest now come hunt with the best.